
Employers in British Columbia are committed to maintain a viable and effective Workers’ Compensation system that endeavours to meet the needs of both the worker and employer in a safe and productive workplace. The Employers’ Forum functions as an advocate for employers and a vehicle through which the employer community communicates on Workers’ Compensation issues.


Next Meeting

Posted on February 29th, 2024

The next meeting of the Employer’s Forum will take place 9:00am – 11:00am Thursday, April 24, 2025. Our 32nd AGM will also be held at this time.


  • To provide opportunities for members to exchange information and opinions on workers’ compensation policies and issues;
  • To provide a vehicle through which the employer perspective on workers’ compensation policies and issues can be communicated to WorkSafeBC and its Board of Directors;
  • To act as a resource to the employer representative(s) of the Board of Directors in the research and analysis of current and proposed policies and initiatives;
  • To undertake or co-ordinating research as appropriate to facilitate effective development of employer positions on workers’ compensation issues;
  • To provide strong and effective representation for employers by facilitating the development of consensus positions on workers’ compensation issues among the membership and the employer community in general (i.e. responding to all Policy Discussion papers released by WorkSafeBC);
  • To providing WorkSafeBC with employer representatives for various advisory groups at WorkSafeBC (i.e. the Policy and Practice Consultation Committee, the Research Secretariat and others) and;
  • Meet with various government officials, where appropriate.